Thoroughly Modern Millie |
Wow...it has been a long time since I last posted - almost a year! Since it has been so long, I thought I would do a little catch-up work, and hopefully be a better poster in the future!
This last year at William & Mary has been by far my favorite. As I went through a year of "lasts," I realized just how blessed I have been over the last four years. I cherish so many of these last moments - especially my last performances and RUF senior night. I honestly think I cried more in the last six months than I have in the last four years put together! It was such a joy for me to be able to perform with the Sinfonicron Light Opera Company and Orchesis Modern Dance Company during my last year at William & Mary. I am very much aware that those performances may have been my last, and I feel so blessed that I had those final opportunities to do something that I love. As for RUF senior night - I could not be more thankful for the family that I have there. As I have said many times before, "you don't realize what you had until it's gone" - and this is definitely how I felt about RUF once I went abroad. You all have been such a loving and supportive net for me - and I miss you all already.
RUF Seniors & Staff 2012 |
This past semester, I was also able to participate in a psychology practicum as part of my academic studies. One of the best experiences of my life! Working with CDR (Child Development Resources) opened my eyes to the needs of the community around me, and how important service really is. Actually, working at CDR completely redefined my career goals; while I still want to pursue a career in counseling, my main focus in now families and communities - what the psychology world would call "community psychology."

Speaking of the future, I'M GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL! Barring any major life change between now and August, I will be attending Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri to pursue a Master of Arts degree in Counseling. I feel so privileged to have this opportunity ahead of me - it is a miracle that I am going to graduate school at all, and let me tell you, it was a long road to get here. As many of you know, my original plan was to pursue a PhD in Counseling/Clinical Psychology. After applying to 11 programs, and not being admitted to any, I began to wonder, "what if all these plans I've made for myself aren't what I am supposed to be doing?" Talk about a reality check! So I decided to go back to the original plan - the one I had felt called to before any of my academic pride set in - and apply to seminary programs. Needless to say, April is not the ideal time to do grad school applications - its past all of the deadlines! Nevertheless, I was accepted into two programs, and am now heading to St. Louis in August. :)
So as I take on this new adventure of becoming a "real person," I hope to be able to continue this blog and share my experiences with you! I have plenty of things to figure out already: finding an apartment (and roommate(s)), finding a job close to campus, registering for classes, not to mention paying for grad school! Much love to you all, and I'll be in touch! :)